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Rethinking Posture: Why "Sitting Up Straight" May Not Be the Best Advice

We’ve all heard the familiar commands: “Sit up straight!” or “Keep your shoulders down and back!” While these traditional cues are often associated with good posture, they might not be as helpful as we’ve been led to believe. In fact, following them too rigidly could do more harm than good. Gasp! Let's rethink posture and see why "sitting up straight" may not be the best advice...

Back pain is a common issue that can significantly affect our quality of life. Whether it's caused by long hours at a desk, old sports injuries, or heavy physical labor, one thing is clear: these factors can disrupt the natural balance and alignment of our neuromuscular system, making it difficult to maintain a neutral posture. To truly understand what constitutes good posture, we need to redefine it as maintaining a neutral position.

All muscles that make up the core muscles
All muscles that make up the core muscles

Neutral posture isn’t about standing tall or forcing your shoulders back; it’s about aligning your rib cage and pelvis so that they are properly stacked on top of each other. This alignment provides the best support for your core muscles, which do much more than just help you look fit.

Your core is a complex system that includes the abdominals, pelvic floor, diaphragm, and deep back muscles. These muscles attach to the rib cage and pelvis, so keeping these structures in a neutral position is essential for overall stability and function.

Next time you’re trying to improve your posture, don’t focus on forcing your body into a specific position. Instead, pay attention to where your rib cage sits relative to your pelvis, and let your shoulders relax naturally. This approach can lead to a more sustainable and comfortable way of holding yourself throughout the day.

Need help finding your neutral position?! Schedule a Postural Restoration session with us and experience the difference!


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